PARASAFE Drone Safety System Now Available For Preorder

We are proud to announce that the PARASAFE emergency parachute drone safety system is now available for preorder.

The PARASAFE emergency parachute drone safety system is in the process of ASTM testing and is now available for preorder.

We are thrilled to announce the availability of PARASAFE pre-ordering to reserve and be among the first to receive your PARASAFE safety system.
Preordering your PARASAFE prior to launch will ensure you receive:

* One of the first PARASAFE safety systems
* A special edition PARASAFE gift bag
* A personalized introduction to the PARASAFE system

Be among the first 5 to preorder, and you will receive an exclusive offer for the ASW HLM Gen 2.

Contact us directly or use the preorder form at checkout to reserve your PARASAFE drone safety system.

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We Are Safety™

Accidents can and will happen, how they are mitigated will differentiate one business from the another. PARASAFE was developed for the sole purpose of addressing this potential, our safety system will protect people, property, and payload.

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